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Monthly Archives: September 2010
Hospital information (HIPAA - an article from The Oregonian)
By Andy Dworkin Staff Writer/The Oregonian I can not confirm Whether that man lives or dies If you have no name - A HIPAA Haiku, by Andy Dworkin A new federal law called HIPAA (for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is making life difficult for reporters who have to call a hospital, doctor, nurse, […]
HIPAA Tips & FAQ (thanks to Therese Bottomly)
A new federal law called Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is making life hard for anyone, except close family members who must call hospitals, doctors, nurses, paramedics or other health workers to get information about patients. The law limits the information that any health worker who electronically transmits information (basically all health workers) […]
Cameras in courts rule — UTCR3.180
Uniform Trial Court Rule 3.180 (Cameras in courts) Click on UTCR3-180 to get full rule on “public access coverage” that means cameras in courtrooms.
Media Law Research Center’s survey on newsroom subpoenas
Request for information on subpoenas Hello, all — I am Kurt Wimmer, a media lawyer who often represents NPPA on First Amendment matters, and I have a favor to ask of all of you. The top media law organization in the country, the Media Law Resource Center , is compiling a study of efforts […]
HIPAA Guide from the Media Law Resource Center (MLRC)