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Author Archives: admin
Public records, meetings laws amendments proposed in new legislation
A bill that would impose time limits for public bodies to respond to public records requests and limiting fees they may charge for the records has been introduced into the 2011 Legislature at the request of Attorney General John Kroger. Senate Bill 41 would require a public body to respond to a record request and […]
The Register-Guard Editorial: Shine light on tax breaks
Economic development programs need transparency Oregon spends about $350 million per biennium on programs designed to promote economic development, mostly by providing tax breaks to companies that create new jobs. Oregonians need a clear picture of what they’re getting from these programs, both because of their big price tag and because it’s essential that the […]
Electronic Government Portal Advisory Board launches
An advisory board established by the Legislature to help citizens access state government information has held its first meeting Wednesday, Nov. 17. The Oregon Electronic Government Portal Advisory Board was established to advise the Department of Administrative Services on key decisions and strategic choices about how DAS manages and operates the state’s portal, the […]
Oregon Attorney General issues Government Transparency Report after multi-state study
After six months of town hall meetings around Oregon and receiving written comments, Attorney General John Kroger has issued his Government Transparency Report that summarizes the frustrations many Oregonians have with the state’s public records and meetings laws. The report, which also includes studies of other state laws, concludes that the 2011 Legislature should “address […]
Attorney General’s Public Records and Meetings Manual
Includes answers to commonly asked questions about the law, sample forms, summaries of court decisions, Attorney General opinions, and a reprint of the statutes. Each part of the manual also has a table of cases and a topic index.
HIPAA Guide from the Media Law Resource Center (MLRC)
The M edia Law Resource Center , has created a guide to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) that is making it less difficult for information seekers to get hospital information. Click on HIPAA Guide.
Hospital information (HIPAA - an article from The Oregonian)
By Andy Dworkin Staff Writer/The Oregonian I can not confirm Whether that man lives or dies If you have no name - A HIPAA Haiku, by Andy Dworkin A new federal law called HIPAA (for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is making life difficult for reporters who have to call a hospital, doctor, nurse, […]
HIPAA Tips & FAQ (thanks to Therese Bottomly)
A new federal law called Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is making life hard for anyone, except close family members who must call hospitals, doctors, nurses, paramedics or other health workers to get information about patients. The law limits the information that any health worker who electronically transmits information (basically all health workers) […]
Cameras in courts rule — UTCR3.180
Uniform Trial Court Rule 3.180 (Cameras in courts) Click on UTCR3-180 to get full rule on “public access coverage” that means cameras in courtrooms.
New Public Records and Meetings Manual adds time limits for records replies, etc.