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Open Oregon is an educational and charitable organization with a single mission: to assist and educate the general public, students, educators, public officials, media and legal professionals to understand and exercise:
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- Their rights and responsibilities under the Oregon Public Meetings and Records laws.
Electronic Government Portal Advisory Board launches
An advisory board established by the Legislature to help citizens access state government information has held its first meeting Wednesday, Nov. 17. The Oregon Electronic Government Portal Advisory Board was established to advise the Department of Administrative Services on key decisions and strategic choices about how DAS manages and operates the state’s portal, the connection point for citizens to access state agency services and information on the Internet. “Web portal services” means providing the hosting, content management, electronic commerce, public collaboration and application development needed to operate and maintain and conduct electronic commerce transactions online.
Interested persons may receive meeting notices and agendas by email or conventional mail one week prior to each meeting. To receive a notice, call the office of the Oregon State Chief Information Officer at (503) 378-3175.
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