Helpful Links

Summary: Oregon Capitol News links to lobbying spending; local, regional and state salaries; and much more

Oregon Government Information
Summary: The Oregonian’s compilation of links to legislative information
Oregon Schools Information

Summary: The Oregonian’s link to information on how schools are rated. Search for your school and see the results.

The National Freedom of Information Coalition
Summary: The National Freedom of Information Coalition’s State and National Freedom of Information Resource Web Site.
Open Government Guide - Oregon
Summary: A point-by-point discussion of Oregon’s open government laws by an Oregon media attorney for the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
The Brechner Center
Summary: A library of freedom of information sites around the country.
Society of Professional Journalists
Summary: Information gathering resources
Federal Freedom of Information Act
Summary: The Freedom of Information Center at the University of Missouri
The Reporters’ Committee for Freedom of the Press
Summary: A great site for information seekers
The FOIC’s List of FOI Statutes for the 50 U.S. States
Summary: Get full text copies of FOI laws for many states
Student Press Law Center
Broad spectrum of resources for student journalists, including free press, public records issues

Media Law Resource Center
Wide variety of legal resources, some membership based, some public. Includes guide to HIPAA: When you get to Media Law site, click on “Public Resources” and then on “Articles and Reports”
Other sites:

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